Our Shared Seas

Our Shared Seas

We collaborated with CEA Consulting to design the Our Shared Seas website, an information hub for quality research and statistics about the ocean. The site features topical primers with interactive data visualizations and charts, in-depth research articles, searchable and downloadable resources, and an events listing.

Visit the site at OurSharedSeas.com.

Our Shared Seas website Home page

The website is an information hub for the ocean community, including researchers, policymakers, and the media.

Our Shared Seas website Threats page

Articles that share analysis of the current top Threats and Solutions to the ocean offer summaries of complex issues.

Our Shared Seas website chart

Downloadable data and charts are available on the website.

Our Shared Seas website Insights article

Our Shared Seas regularly posts blog content including expert interviews and issue deep dives, and offers free email digests for quick updates to the community.

Our Shared Seas website Downloads page

Current reports useful to ocean researchers and policymakers are compiled and offered in the Downloads Library section of the site.